Twitter Spaces


You may have heard about Twitter’s new live audio broadcast feature called Twitter Spaces .

I host a few Spaces on a regular basis. To follow me, join @Shannon_Skinner or use hashtag: #ShannonSpaces.


Monday-Thursday, 10am EST | 7am PST | 3pm GMT (currently on hiatus)

Inspiring Conversations: live the life you love.

We cover a variety of lifestyle topics, such as mindset, wellness, travel and wine, and more. Includes guest appearances. (#InspiringConversations).

Book Club (details TBA)

Extraordinary Women TV: one-on-one conversations with women who follow their hearts and are dedicated to making the world a better place. This Space is presented by Shannon Skinner’s Extraordinary Women TV. (dates/times vary; watch for announcements)

I also have a current series of interviews with notable people about why they love their home city/country, and other interviews at ad hoc times during the week, so do check my Twitter account for announcements. (#SpacesTravel).

Fun facts: as a Beta tester/early adopter, I created the first Spaces on inspiration, travel, wine and a book club, as well as the first to do formal interviews; and the hashtag #SpacesTravel so people can discover and find travel content in Spaces.

How to join me on Twitter Spaces:

  1. If you are joining me as a speaker, you need an iOS or Android phone. Spaces is accessible on a computer, but you can only listen and not join as a speaker.
  2. You obviously need a Twitter account.
  3. Follow me on my Twitter account @Shannon_Skinner.
  4. At the time of broadcast, you will see a live link appear in my feed (in purple). It was say something like “join me.”
  5. Click on the live link and it bring you into to my live Space.
  6. Your mic will automatically be muted. You will be able to unmute yourself with the little mic icon at the bottom of the screen.
  7. It is live audio-only (no camera), so no need to do your hair. 🙂
  8. My interview format: intimate conversation with my guest (approx. 20 mins), followed by a Q&A with audience members.
  9. For guests: You can direct message me on Twitter if you have issues getting into the space or anytime while the space is open, so feel free. For an emergency, call my cell at 416-576-8809. You can also email me at shannon (@) shannonskinner dot com.
  10. RELEASE: as a guest, you agree to the Twitter Spaces interview/conversation being recorded and shared on the internet and used in books, blog and other potential digital or print projects.


Here’s a screenshot from my cellphone of what a Spaces looks like once you are in it:



Screenshot of my phone with Spaces live broadcast


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5 months ago

Shannon Skinner
Come to Italy with us in 2025!I am hosting a free travel webinar previewing our upcoming group trip, "Journey Through Italy: Indulging in Wine & Cuisine," next October 2025. Webinar date: Thursday, November 7, 2pm EST.During the webinar, I will be sharing details about our itinerary, hotels, entertainment plans, and more.Travel arrangements, reservations & payments through Escapades by Huntington Inc. d/b/a MyEscapades.For information, contact me: my website: ... See MoreSee Less
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